
dec30megamillionsnumbers| Tongjing New Energy: The offeror received valid acceptance for 190 million shares under the share offer

editor 2024-05-08 5 0

Simultaneous New Energy (08326) and the offeror Zhenjie Co., Ltd. jointly announced that at 04:00 on Tuesday, May 7, 2024, the offeror has received a copy of theDec30megamillionsnumbers.900 million shares (approximately representing the issued share capital and voting rights of the company as at the date of this joint announcementDec30megamillionsnumbers23%Dec30megamillionsnumbers.2%)Dec30megamillionsnumbersEffective acceptance.

Due to the effective acceptance of the offer, together with the shares owned and ╱ or agreed to acquire by the offeror and the offeror acting in concert prior to or during the offer, the offeror and the offeror acting in concert will hold 421 million shares (accounting for approximately 51.5% of the voting rights of the company). As a result, the offer became unconditional in all respects on Tuesday, May 7, 2024.

dec30megamillionsnumbers| Tongjing New Energy: The offeror received valid acceptance for 190 million shares under the share offer

Under rule 15.3 of the Takeovers Code, the offer must be accepted at least 14 days after it becomes or is declared unconditional (whether in terms of acceptance or in all respects). Therefore, the offer will be accepted before 04:00 on Tuesday, 21 May 2024. All other terms of the consolidated document and the acceptance form shall remain unchanged.